Sunday, August 01, 2010

4 months old

My how the time is flying by! M is now 4 months old and growing like a weed. It's amazing to see how much she's changed when I compare her recent pictures and videos with her newborn photos. I can't believe how teeny tiny she used to be. She no longer has the newborn look. She looks like an honest to God baby now. Really. A.R. and I can't believe how happy she is...there is always a smile on her face even when she's pissed off at us, she'll take a break to crack a smile. :) We feel so blessed to have such a happy, "easy"-going baby. Here's hoping our future children are as laid back. Ha!
M has officially outgrown her bassinet and A.R. took it out of our room last week. ::tear:: She weighed in at her 4 month appointment at 15 lbs 4 oz (85%) and was a whopping 26 1/4 inches long (off the charts!). Her pediatrician said her length now, may or may not have any bearing on her height in the future. I'm only 5'4", but A.R. is just shy of 6' so I'm sure she'll fall somewhere inbetween. She has rolled both ways at least two times, but doesn't do it regularly. She hates to be on her stomach, so you'll see her lie on her side a lot when she plays. M has found her toes and loves to hold her feet and coo when I change her diaper, which makes it interesting. She's started arching her back when you hold her to try to scoot away and she prefers to be held upright or sitting up so she can see the world around her.
After her naps and nighttime sleep she is always so happy and smiles and coos until you come to her crib to get her. We get greeted by a huge gummy smile and a great big stretch. :) M already knows how to whine and is not shy about letting you know when she isn't 100% content. She doesn't like the heat (we've spoiled her with central A/C) and will whine until you stand by a fan at my mother-in-law's house. M takes great delight in watching her cousins (all 4 boys) play at her Abuela's house almost as if she's supervising them. I think she's plotting just how she'll boss them around and make them have tea parties with her when she's older. :) It's debatable who she looks more like: A.R. or me. I really think it changes daily. In my eyes, she is beautiful and 100% perfect.


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